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Saturday, August 23, 2014 | My Orthognathic Surgery.

peep..peep..peep.. hey, it's me.

By the way I'm still in a dilemma, should I continue my blog heh. This blog is so outdated (hoho I saw flies buzzing around here LOL).

Okay today I just want to continue with my diary of orthognathic surgery (aka underbite surgery/double jaw surgery) , since I'd published a post about this surgery 2 years ago, click to read. I know this sounds a bit crazy (maybe A LOT crazy lol) , but I did it and yes I did it..(if you want to know what is this surgery about, google it!) The main reason of this surgery is to correct my bite since I have underbite before this and secondly, honestly, is for my appearance?(although I'm not sure whether the final result can satisfy me or not? but I just dont want an underbite.) Actually this surgery should be done in June of 2013, since I got offered for matriculation programme, so...everything postponed to this year because I have 4 months of holiday after the pre-U programme.

Then everything start all over again this year. After graduating from matriculation, I visited my surgeon for 2 times, first time was to plan the date of my operation and second time was to take measurement. I'd gone through the operation on 17th July 2014. I was admitted into hospital one day before the operation, took tranquilizer at  night for well sleep and in the morning before operation to reduce tension. And no doubt, I did this surgery in government hospital, operation performed by all the experienced doctors and surgeons. So it did not cost so much like those private hospitals do.

This operation took about 6 hours, so yeah I was unconscious for about 6 hours omg. From 8am-1++pm. The whole operation is carried out inside my mouth, so there's no scar on my face nor my chin. That is why my lips were so swollen after that because my mouth had been opened big for bout 6 hours!(you must think that is very painful! ) but seriously, the pain is still bearable..for me? haha..I can walk around after op, I still can talk although it's not clear. I only took pain killer (that one which is inserted into the drip) once after op, because it made me feel nausea and want to vomit. The pain level only starts to raise on the second day post op and peak on the 2nd and 3rd day post op because of the swelling, but it's still bearable, it's not like painful until you want to die LOL!! Discomfort was the main thing that annoyed me because my face were so swollen after op. And also I was told not to drink water after operation -_-.. My throat was very very dry, maybe because of the anesthesia, and also soreness on my throat might because of the tube they placed along the oesophogus. I only start drinking water in the evening about 5 or 6 pm..  I couldn't sleep for the first night post op, I remember I keep on drinking water by using a syringe during that whole night haha. Then I started my first meal, choc milk on the second day post op and discharged in the evening! :) and in 2 days I lost 3kg woooo....

I was on liquid diet for the first week post op! Totally LIQUID. Everything I eat(should be drink?) was blended, and eat/drink by using a straw. On the 6th day post op, I started using a spoon, it was a mess, because I cannot control my lips properly, I cannot feel my lips, my chin, my cheeks, they were numb. I remember I had maggie mee on 6th day because I was craving for maggie on that day hahaha! Slowly I started my very very soft food diet on 2nd week post op, and on 4th week I can eat soft rice as well. I can eat( i mean swallow) anything that is soft now!

Today I'm 37th day post op, everything goes quite well, no more infection on wounds I guess. I am really grateful for having a great mom and dad, thanks for taking good care of me, preparing all the nutritious and delicious food, sending me to hospital for check ups! And also loving sisters who always concern about my situation :)Okay FUN TIME now! Because here are some photos, showing y'all my recovery progress :) but don't shocked okay. Be calm..

So this is me before operation. Obviously you can see that my upper jaw is so inward and lower jaw is longer and outward. (slim face huh -_- kinda miss it haha! no liquify filter ok!)

and OMG, took this when I just came out from operation.Yes I still have the strength and mood to take picture haha. Terrible!

First pic is taken on the day of operation(17/7). Very terrible I know hahaha, hey but give me some time to recover la right?! Same as plastic surgery ma, how come a person looks so nice right after the surgery! Start from second - last pic are day 1  - day 11 post op (18/7-28/7). Peak swelling on the 1st day and 2nd day post op, and also the most painful on these 2 days.

Day 12 - Day 20 post op (29/7 - 6/8). Nah..believe me.. you see, it's getting better day by day right! and I can finally smile properly.. lol

Day 21-24 (7/8 - 10/8). Finally my chin is "visible"! -_-

Day 25 , day 27, day 29, day 31 (11/8 - 17/8). Swelling reduce very slow started from week 3.. :(

Day 34 - 36 ( 20/8 - 22/8).  I'm still adapting to my new smile..

Taken on 5th day post op, first post op check up :)

6 day post op. Peace. Sometimes have to do something funny to cheer myself up.

12 day post op. reduce a lot from 1st week to 2nd week!

15 day post op.

My first time walk in the public without a mask after op. 17 day post op.

long lost chubby face... hahah

Third post op check up. Rubber band on my braces is to hold my mouth closed because there's a slight openbite on the right side.

23 and 24 day post op. with my babe sugar :3

27 and 31 day post op.

35 day post op :)

For the first week after surgery, I felt helpless, sad and worried, yes of course I will, sometimes because of the pain, swelling, unable to laugh and more. So I cheer myself up by doing some funny stuffs, even a simple thing, like when I realize I can eat by using a spoon, I can have soft food, I can eat the thing I want to, these things made me happy all day long.. :)

One more thing, doc didn't give me any pills to consume after surgery except painkiller pills, and I only eat it when necessary. No antibiotics, no pills that reduce swelling, etc~~ I dont know why too?

And now everything is okay. I can talk (sometimes might not clear), laugh, shout, eat (soft food diet), can do what normal people can do. But still a bit numbness on my left lower lip, and sometimes needle pain on the "metal plate" area. 10-20% of swelling might remains up to 6 months..braces will be removed after 6-9 months.. so, be patient for my final result! :D seeya!

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by carOliciOus Photobucket 2:02 AM | 0 comments

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013 | Hello Kitty Malaysia Gila Sales Online is LIVE Now!

A Super Good News to all Hello Kitty Fans!!

Finally… Hello Kitty Malaysia Gila Sales Online is LIVE today..!
They are selling for Hello Kitty products through online!

They’re going to open this for 1 week only due to the limited stocks
they have.

And they mentioned that it will be first come first serve basis,
Make sure you act before others :)

Currently they’re giving away Hello Kitty 2013 Calender, and you can
have your own copy from them today.
If you don’t believe me check it out for yourself here,
while it’s still available:


This special Hello Kitty 2013 Calender and Hello Kitty Gila Sales Online
is open for a limited time only, which it may be taken off completely.
Stop reading this now, and go to the Hello Kitty Malaysia website and grab
your own copy now:


If you’re reading this blog post too late, then you may have missed it.
Don’t leave a comment to complain because there’s nothing I can do.
I DID tell you it’s a limited offer :)

Grab Your Calender Now

by carOliciOus Photobucket 5:52 PM | 0 comments

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Sunday, December 16, 2012 | Controlling

Trying not to post too many unhappy things here, just dont want my blog seems dull...and there's no point to keep thinking bout it already. passed....!!


by carOliciOus Photobucket 6:08 PM | 0 comments

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Saturday, December 15, 2012 | Life before college life

Aloha, back to my diary, okay, everything settled down, everything confirmed, I'm going to study at INTI International College at Subang Jaya, school open on 7th January, sounds quite early yeah ? yes, I dont have to keep confusing in choosing what I want to study now! everything confirmed and just go on! So the coming 2 weeks gotta be my holiday, before i going to start my grand new journey of my life. How do I feel now? hmm, a bit excited? nervous? and pressure :S of course I wish the people I meet there is friendly and loving :D I think I will be quite busy after school open and have lesser time to log in to here..haiz, wish everything goes well~

No doubt, I'm back to curly hair again :3 quite regret.. LOL.. looks much older because of the length of my hair. =.= trim too much...and tadaa~ do manicure by myself again today :) 

see my hello kitty nails :P drawn by myself, that's why a bit ugly and out of shape..LOL..

Well, I have to enjoy my last 2 weeks holiday now! dye my hair! shopping! party and everything!! looking forward to my graduation trip now, see you guys tomorrow night :) it gotta be a meaningful trip isn't it?


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by carOliciOus Photobucket 9:14 PM | 0 comments

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Friday, December 14, 2012 | ...



by carOliciOus Photobucket 12:40 PM | 3 comments

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Wednesday, December 5, 2012 | Accept or be Naive?

Sometimes it's better to act don't know, because once you know, maybe that thing gonna hurt you very deeply or strongly affect you..sometimes, it's also better to accept..Yea, I have no idea, to accept or to act nothing happen since I already cannot differentiate what is truth and what is fake. Everything is recycling.. What is happening to me, is depending on what I did to people before? Why it never have an ending.. I wanted to end, to forget! and what I really need is strong persistent and more encouragement. It's already no point, to find out the truth..I don't want to lie myself anymore, but sometimes I do. You'll ask why am I so contradictory...I can only answer, I have tried my best... But don't worry, life is not that tough for me. I can get used to it and pass through the toughest moment.

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by carOliciOus Photobucket 1:04 AM | 1 comments

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Sunday, December 2, 2012 | Stupid.

yes, I did something stupid again. I am fooling myself again! out of control!! calm down please argh my god!!! >:( haiz.. useless!!fail!!


by carOliciOus Photobucket 2:51 AM | 0 comments

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| a better me?

It has been a long time I left away from my blog, yes today I am here, hi. Obviously, it's the time for SPM to end and tomorrow,(Monday) will be my last paper. Yeah, I admit that I never put my heart and never care for this paper, that's Chinese. Many people said that we are Chinese and we have to know or learn this subject well, but I'm so sorry to say that I really dislike this subject so much=.= I have no idea why, it's very hard for me to memorize the Chinese idioms, like an impossible thing, i think i'm going to give up. Not only this, there're a lot of chinese words which I don't know how to write and spell, LOL.. so ashamed? haa,, no I'm not since I already gave up. But I'll try my best to do it on Monday.

Now, I started thinking my life after my SPM, and my life when I leave away from my hometown to study. How it will be? I am a little bit excited to take a new challenge in my life. Could it be better? Few things happened recently, it's not convenient for me to share it out here, and the things really annoyed me and making me think in a negative way sometimes. So I'm trying to control, finding more and more activities for myself, prevent myself from thinking about it. Though I cannot did well this few days, it will be possible one day :)

yeah, it's the time to continue memorizing the stupid idioms.... bye n nights~ :* xoxo
end my post with this song :P he's amazing!

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by carOliciOus Photobucket 12:17 AM | 0 comments

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Friday, November 30, 2012 | Slowly, I can be.


 hidden text

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by carOliciOus Photobucket 10:57 PM | 0 comments

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012 | for you :)



from "OneDailyDose"


by carOliciOus Photobucket 9:34 PM | 0 comments

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