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Wednesday, December 29, 2010 | I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF!

woah, share a SECRET to you guys here, yes due to my post title, I am so PROUD of myself now LOR! You know why? I accidentally saw someone, uhm, i think she was one of my blog readers! ahh, I need to say thanks to her because of "keep" following my blog and COPY A LOT OF THINGS FROM MY BLOG! Alright, are you feeling guilty when you read until here? Please stop trying to copy any things from here lo! eg: cbox, blog menu, visitor counter, labels! oh damn god, I don't want to mention more since you are still an ignorant kid yes I understood! Please lo. Do use your own style! hahaha, let me HAO LIAN a while here, I knew I mma famous enough and you are freaky admire me right? you copy my things because you want to be famous like I do too?! am I right!? LOL! Think so! Lastly, please stop being copymeow because I DO HATE copymeow so much until you cant expect!


by carOliciOus Photobucket 12:39 AM | 2 comments

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010 | you like to show off don't you? LOL!

Everyone loves to show off I guess. here I show all the LeeHom's album that are in my hand now! wahahahahah! He is so awesome and I am so fml love him!!!!
nehhhhh, envy now?~ LOL

Bought a new pair of Pink Lens again. I seriously love Pink colour lens!! They looks great and natural enough!
uhhmmm, actually that 31.05.2010 dated there is a manufacture day or EXPIRE DAY?!

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by carOliciOus Photobucket 10:03 PM | 0 comments

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| Hi!

Hello everyone :) uhh I knew I always leave for a long time. :S ahh just let me, kay. I will "repost" back what I would like to post :P But for this time, I have my reason for leaving my blog for long time. It's because of my house's internet connection. It was really slow last and last last week! LOL. Glad that it is getting better now. At least TM still got do something to my connection! BUT you guys are freaky SLOW in doing improvement! have to MUST IMPROVE! Had format my lappie :S all my tiny icons gone :( got to save it back from my previous blog post later! argh...stud!

Hell Yeah, finally our PMR results announced~ LOL. 7 A 1 B I got. B in my Malay! :( Actually this result is good or not? Honestly, I don't feel extremely HAPPY and SURPRISE with it I really don't know why. I knew I said like this will cause some people who got a bad result angry at me, ah sorry, because I am just sharing my mood in my blog kay.

wahahahahhahaha! I know I looks stud :S

Christmas had just passed that's mean New Year is not far already. Yes, it's on this Saturday! Firstly, sorry to Fiona because I could not attend the new year eve party at your house this year since I am not around from Thurs to Fri. hmm, kinda Happy as I got some xmas gifts from cousin and sisters :D Sorry I didn't prepared any for you all aiks.. But umm, dear sisters will receive something from me by this Saturday :P trust me xD

Miss curl hair ~ NO MORE~~
woots, kinda real right? Love Andriod market :P I'm not going to tell u how I do it blahh! Go a head and find it by your OWN self :P!!
and ME with straight hair "manufactured" LOL!!

Owned a new pair of cute earing from MeiZhen last night! Freaky cute and I love it! Thank you so much Darling :X And MeiZhen, I knew your birthday is around the corner :D 4 weeks to go~ Kindly wait for a surprising birthday present from me :P be patient ya. So here is the earing! Devil VS Angel!
That's all :D stay tune.

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by carOliciOus Photobucket 4:15 PM | 0 comments

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010 | Gonna say Goodbye to Curly

Oh my dear curly hair. I m going to straighten my hair later :( byee curly.. Ishhh..Sobs...... Not willing to straighten it choice..

Only freaky worry about my result now. I mma so scareeeee! Godddd! Thursday! It was tomorrow!! super duper NERVOUS thought i already knew how worse my result would be. God please bless me.. T.T i dont want to feel despair again... Pleade give me something which would makes me cry out of joy..

To MeiZhen. Please dont worry too much. You will get what we expect:) I trust you and please trust yourself! I will sms you on time! <3 lovee.

Everyone please give us a Bless :(.

Love ya,

by carOliciOus Photobucket 10:04 AM | 0 comments

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010 | Post of the day.

Hello everyone, sorry for leaving a week without posting. Inspiration come out from my mind suddenly and makes me wanna write something on blog ~ I was very moody these few days as my Nuffnang account had been swift to non-active due to my stupidness AGAIN . I posted ads from youthsays, that's why. Have to wait 4 days to get back glitterati membership! aikss... So I've removed the ads of Youthsays. Well, feel free to click it from my Facebook!

pheww, add-math tuition started on Monday and today is the second day. Oh my gosh, a full and relaxing period after PMR made my brain RUST! LOL.. I've forgotten the formula of some of the form 3 maths question. aiks, it's the time to get all them back now. School life, gonna start soon! . and everyone knew, pmr results announcement is coming out very very soon. Kinda nervous! God bless pleaseee

Kinda jealous of my darling Mzhen, and Fiona had gone to S'pore!! I wish I could celebrate xMas at S'pore too! Sounds cool! with crowded people at everywhere, fireworks everywhere! I WANT TO GO!!! I want everything I loved for my xmas gift!!!

Finished watching Gun Metal Grey, any drama for me to watch now ? any drama to recommend? I feel like I am going to be crazy because the streamyx line is very hollyshit lag and slow from last night until now! I have waited a long time to browse on Facebook , Blogger, Twitter, Gmail n ETC!! I can't even attach a file to the mail just now!!! argh. Malaysia's line is like a tortoise!! A big big different with Taipei or other country! Stupid line!

My hand got allergy again red, swell, itchy and pain! No mood to write more now! I don't deny this is the worst post among all=.= pointless and boring! *ashame*!

by carOliciOus Photobucket 9:39 PM | 0 comments

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010 | tiredddd

Aahh i m sorry. I m really tired now guys >< have to let my body kiss to the bed noww! Lol. 10.15pm. Today i sleep at 1015pm. The earliest one among the holidays xD.. Gotta go. Byee.
Have a good night. Mwaks. <3


by carOliciOus Photobucket 10:23 PM | 0 comments

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Monday, December 6, 2010 | 06.12.2010

I am sorry because I dont do my update this few days. Kinda busy, I am going to be freak of online shopping! LOL.Found a lot online shop this few days. I might going to update tomorrow night. Is going to seremban with friends again. As you know it's December now. Tuition is going to start on December. Have to go and buy some notebooks tomorrow ! hoorayy~ Form4 Life, I knew this is kinda hard to walk through the following years, I promise I will try my best. try hard hard to archive! So, see ya guys.



by carOliciOus Photobucket 8:11 PM | 0 comments

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Friday, December 3, 2010 | Tiny emo icon for my own Blog =D

Heyy guys:), I'm sorry for my previous post, I knew asking you all to click link[s] are really annoying and I am really sorry yea. Thanks to those who helped me to click. I truly appreciate your kindness and do ask me to help you back when you need my help =) and here this is my new post for today! I really hope u guys enjoy reading my blog ;)

I had created a few emo icons for my blog last night:O. they were driving me crazy yesterday! LOL!! Actually I just want to find some tiny and suitable emo icons for my blog through internet, but there has no suitable one for my blog. :S So I decided to make them by myself. I used adobe photoshop to make them! photoshop is kinda useful! you guys should have it! :D

Here are my self-made emo icons! Do give comment thanks.

HEY, YOU, dont try to copy my emo icons if not you will be SUE and JAILED!! LOL , i m just kidding, hmm, sure I hope nobody will copy mine one. But I cant control right. ahh just fine, if you like to be an copymeow! But dont let me know you are using mine one , because you knew what I will do for you blog link! hiakhiakkkk!

Okay, off for drama now Gun Metal Grey @ 刑警!! stay tuned!

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by carOliciOus Photobucket 8:55 PM | 6 comments

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Thursday, December 2, 2010 | a Blog

Few days ago, I had read a people's blog post and when I think back about the post, I am totally agreed with it! It's content is how to become a famous blogger. hmm famous? you guys should knew the word 'famous' s meaning, dont you? Alright, the first thing you have to do is be the real you! If you're a bad girl, super poor girl or whatever you are, just agree with your own identity! People love your blog not because you are rich, you are girlish, you are handsome n etc, they love the way you write, you express in your blog! People attracted by your blog content with interesting and awesome incident that you had encountered. As you know, everyone hates faker, don't you? and yes me too.

Besides this, you should have a attractive blogskin too. For my ownself, I would like heart-warm and lovely blogskin most. When I saw people who own a blogskin like this, I wish I could have a blogskin like hers too, and I will visit her blog often to check out is that any lovely thing she has updated to her blog too! Same time, I will refer to her blog when I am really out of idea

And who says people who want to be a famous blogger must have to write their post in a proper language? No they are wrong okay. You don't need to write in a proper language but at least people can understand them. You know, I even saw some famous blogger are using proper ROJAK languages too! People will not attract by "rigid & awkward" blog post which are written like an article or essay! Use your own style! People who is your follower must be in love with the style u used to write your blog! uhh yea, haha. NO DOUBT, I am not using proper English too! I must have lots of mistakes in my every post *blush & shame* as my English is not that good! I am not an English-educated student like others :(

oh yea, and not forgetting update a post a day. DO always keep your blog up-to-date. Be an ACTIVE blogger! So that your blog wont be that dull and always showing the old post which are dated [xx October 2010] since it was already DECEMBER now!! Remember to visit other blogger as you can too! Don't be selfish, leave them a message and let them visit you back! Apart from these, do share some attractive and awesome photo that you have taken in your special occasion or anything.

erhmm, I think that's all I knew. Hope you enjoy this post and may you become more famous as you wished to! Not forget to visit me often to make my blog's traffic become 'BUSY'..


by carOliciOus Photobucket 7:34 PM | 0 comments

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010 | Jipaban – My 2010 Santarina

Time flies by, day flows on :) all of us step into the last month of the year, it is 1st of December today! Once people heard December, the word "Christmas" will appear in everyone's mind. We can see Christmas decorations every where. It is reaching the time for us to exchange Christmas present with friends and family. Well, it is not early to prepare a Christmas present for my beloved one now :D

At the same time, when I logged in to NUFFNANG today, I have found that is having an amazing contest which could help me to get the perfect gift for my beloved one! I would like to have a wonderful Christmas gift for me beloved sister this year. Without hesitating, I would like to gift her a Juice Camera since she loves lomography very much.

I choose this lomo camera because it does not exceed RM100. Besides, it comes with cute and lovely design, awesome vignetting effect.

It is lightweight, simple and easy to use. Not only these, it can be use with certain accessories too! Eg: Jelly Lens Set and KOLA colour filter, which can make the photography become awesome! :D Hopefully can get this for my dearest sister :)

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by carOliciOus Photobucket 2:09 PM | 0 comments

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